"I would never let something as petty as rent get in the way of our romance"
(Dedicated to my PB)
Laying in an old run down motel room. The lighting is horrible. The room itself smells of moth balls and cigarettes. The lamp to the right has been flickering all night, driving me insane. The bed is far from comfortable. The sheets I rather lay on top of them, then in them. Theres only 12 channels on tv and none of them come in clear. It's super quiet, yet sometimes you can hear the cries of a young baby in the room next door. I have $128 dollars to my name, and bills that calculate 10 times that. I have my car, I have my clothes, and then, I have him. He sits right next me. And at this moment I am convinced that there is nothing more important than that, than him, than love, than what we got. There is not a feeling that compares. There is not a materialistic thing that can suffice. He puts his arm around me and everything is okay. Because I have him. I could stay here forever. Our romance is not limited nor capped to 5 stars restuarants and hotels. Our romance takes us anywhere, and everywhere. He looks at me....... and this motel room feels like heaven and my 128 dollars feels like millions. These sheets feel like eygptian cotton. We don't need cable and we sure don't need these lights. I could live off our romance forever. I don't need a thing but that. Money is not real, love is. Money is a convenience, something love isn't. I would never let something as petty as rent get in the way of our romance. I hope you know that.
Keep Dreaming,