Sunday, January 25, 2015
Thursday, January 15, 2015
Mayan Astrology
Ch’en: January 2nd to January 21st
Meaning: Black Storm, Black Sky, Moon, One Flower, West
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Ch’en sign are people of the night. The hours past dusk and before the first light are power times for you. Tap into this time of quiet energy to develop yourself fully. You have a natural affinity for moon energies. Consider wearing moonstone to increase your connection with lunar energies. Your cardinal direction is the West and facing Westward during meditation can be very beneficial for you.
Meaning: Black Storm, Black Sky, Moon, One Flower, West
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Ch’en sign are people of the night. The hours past dusk and before the first light are power times for you. Tap into this time of quiet energy to develop yourself fully. You have a natural affinity for moon energies. Consider wearing moonstone to increase your connection with lunar energies. Your cardinal direction is the West and facing Westward during meditation can be very beneficial for you.
Yax: January 22nd to February 10th
Meaning: Green Storm, Venus, Two Flower, South
Mayan Astrology Interpretation: Those born in the Yax sign have an affinity for those born in the Yaxk’in sign. Venus is your ruling planet and by nature you are gentle and loving. Tap into your peace-keeping abilities to bring harmony to those around you. It is a great gift to be a peace-keeper in these times and you can do much good in the world. Your cardinal direction is the South.
Meaning: Green Storm, Venus, Two Flower, South
Mayan Astrology Interpretation: Those born in the Yax sign have an affinity for those born in the Yaxk’in sign. Venus is your ruling planet and by nature you are gentle and loving. Tap into your peace-keeping abilities to bring harmony to those around you. It is a great gift to be a peace-keeper in these times and you can do much good in the world. Your cardinal direction is the South.
Meaning: White Storm, Frog, Frog Constellation, Three Flower, North
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Sac sign have an affinity for the day hours. Early morning is a power time for you. Make sure to allow time for reflection in the early hours of the day because great wisdom can come to you during this time. Your cardinal direction is the north. The frog is a power animal for you. The meaning of frog is their adaptability and comfort with change. Frogs can make a quick and effortless jump from one stage of consciousness to the next. Embrace the changes that come into your life. Your power is in change.
Keh: March 3rd to March 22nd
Meaning: Red Storm, Trees, Deer, East
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Keh sign have an affinity for nature and natural balance. You can help restore natural order to our planet by your example. You have the energy of fire and red is a power color for you. Embrace this powerful force and let your fiery nature be known. Meditation in forests will help you develop your natural power. Your cardinal direction is east and your totem animal is the gentle, noble “people” of the woods… deer.
Meaning: Red Storm, Trees, Deer, East
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Keh sign have an affinity for nature and natural balance. You can help restore natural order to our planet by your example. You have the energy of fire and red is a power color for you. Embrace this powerful force and let your fiery nature be known. Meditation in forests will help you develop your natural power. Your cardinal direction is east and your totem animal is the gentle, noble “people” of the woods… deer.
Mak: March 23rd to April 11th
Meaning: Enclosed, Cover, God of Number 3
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the Mak sign are under one of the largest mysteries of the Mayan astrology signs. The meaning for your sign is less clearly defined than for any other. Mak is a mystery and that makes you a mystery as well. You do best when you keep some of yourself back from others. The words describing your sign are cover and enclosed, once again referring to something that is “under cover” or hidden away. Like the bear, spend time in reflection and meditation. If you allow yourself this personal time away from others you can discover the mysteries of existence. Your power number is 3, which has numerous references in symbolism throughout time. 3 is considered the number of divinity, balance and completion.
Meaning: Enclosed, Cover, God of Number 3
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the Mak sign are under one of the largest mysteries of the Mayan astrology signs. The meaning for your sign is less clearly defined than for any other. Mak is a mystery and that makes you a mystery as well. You do best when you keep some of yourself back from others. The words describing your sign are cover and enclosed, once again referring to something that is “under cover” or hidden away. Like the bear, spend time in reflection and meditation. If you allow yourself this personal time away from others you can discover the mysteries of existence. Your power number is 3, which has numerous references in symbolism throughout time. 3 is considered the number of divinity, balance and completion.
K’ank’in: April 12th to May 1st
Meaning: Earth, Dog, Yellow, Underworld, Yellow Sun
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the K’ank’in sign are people of the earth and the sun. You have an affinity for both the planet beneath your foot and for the strong solar energies of the sun. Spend time under the solar rays meditating for there is wisdom for you. Spend time as well in and on the earth. If possible, meditate in a cave, or at least visit a cave and experience the calm tranquility of being in the womb of the earth mother. Your totem animal is the dog, specifically the yellow dog. Dogs are well known for their loyalty, but a less known meaning of this animal totem is their incredible inner strength.
Meaning: Earth, Dog, Yellow, Underworld, Yellow Sun
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the K’ank’in sign are people of the earth and the sun. You have an affinity for both the planet beneath your foot and for the strong solar energies of the sun. Spend time under the solar rays meditating for there is wisdom for you. Spend time as well in and on the earth. If possible, meditate in a cave, or at least visit a cave and experience the calm tranquility of being in the womb of the earth mother. Your totem animal is the dog, specifically the yellow dog. Dogs are well known for their loyalty, but a less known meaning of this animal totem is their incredible inner strength.
Muwan: May 2nd to May 21st
Meaning: Owl, Moan Bird, God of Rain and Clouds, Fire
Mayan Astrology Interpretation: Those born in the Muwan sign have an affinity for fire andwater. Embrace these two elements. Especially during thunderstorms when both fire and water are present in the forms of rain and lightning. Storms are power times for you. Your animal totem is the Owl, also known by Mayans as the moan bird. Owls have the ability of vision. They are seers who can detect the truth around them.
Meaning: Owl, Moan Bird, God of Rain and Clouds, Fire
Mayan Astrology Interpretation: Those born in the Muwan sign have an affinity for fire andwater. Embrace these two elements. Especially during thunderstorms when both fire and water are present in the forms of rain and lightning. Storms are power times for you. Your animal totem is the Owl, also known by Mayans as the moan bird. Owls have the ability of vision. They are seers who can detect the truth around them.
Pax: May 22nd to June 10th
Meaning: Planting Time, Puma, Steam, Arrow, Drum
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Pax sign have the animal totem Jaguar. Jaguars were very important to Mayan culture. They represent leadership. Your personal strength is as a leader of people. Embrace this strength. You also have the straight-forward nature of an arrow and the steady strength of a drumbeat. Use the drum in your life. It will bring you stability and balance. Your element is steam, a mix between earth, water, and fire. Steam rises from the earth through heat. Combine these three elements together in your life.
Meaning: Planting Time, Puma, Steam, Arrow, Drum
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Pax sign have the animal totem Jaguar. Jaguars were very important to Mayan culture. They represent leadership. Your personal strength is as a leader of people. Embrace this strength. You also have the straight-forward nature of an arrow and the steady strength of a drumbeat. Use the drum in your life. It will bring you stability and balance. Your element is steam, a mix between earth, water, and fire. Steam rises from the earth through heat. Combine these three elements together in your life.
Kayab: June 11th to June 30th
Meaning: Turtle, Moon Goddess, One God
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the Kayab sign have a natural affinity for the moon and spiritual endeavors. You most likely find yourself searching for the deeper meaning in everyday occurrences. The turtle is your animal totem. Turtles have deep signfigance as the carriers of ancient wisdoms and the carriers of the earth.
Meaning: Turtle, Moon Goddess, One God
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the Kayab sign have a natural affinity for the moon and spiritual endeavors. You most likely find yourself searching for the deeper meaning in everyday occurrences. The turtle is your animal totem. Turtles have deep signfigance as the carriers of ancient wisdoms and the carriers of the earth.
Kumk’u: July 1st to July 20th
Meaning: Grain, Crocodile, Conch over Maize, Two Lord, Dark, Itzamnas gods of rain and plants
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Kumk’u sign have a dualistic nature. Most likely you are often seeing opposite perspectives clearly and honoring the wisdom that both perspectives offer. Your animal totem is the crocodile. Crocodiles have the gift of survival, timing and patience. Crocodiles are one of only a few reptile species that survived past the Mesozoic period when most reptiles and dinosaurs went extinct. Tap into the power of longevity and stability. You do not embrace change, and yet change occurs all around you without affecting you. This is a tremendous gift.
Meaning: Grain, Crocodile, Conch over Maize, Two Lord, Dark, Itzamnas gods of rain and plants
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Kumk’u sign have a dualistic nature. Most likely you are often seeing opposite perspectives clearly and honoring the wisdom that both perspectives offer. Your animal totem is the crocodile. Crocodiles have the gift of survival, timing and patience. Crocodiles are one of only a few reptile species that survived past the Mesozoic period when most reptiles and dinosaurs went extinct. Tap into the power of longevity and stability. You do not embrace change, and yet change occurs all around you without affecting you. This is a tremendous gift.
Wayeb: July 21st to July 25th
Meaning: Unlucky Days, The Earth God, Specter, the Missing Days (short 5 day month)
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the Wayeb sign are the anomoly in the Mayan astrology signs. The Wayeb span of time is only 5 days out of the year, in contrast to the 20 day span that all of the other Mayan zodiac symbols have. During the Wayeb days, ancient Mayans felt the natural balance was affected. It was a time when other forces came into play, similar to the pagan concept of Samhain when ghosts walk the earth. Being born in this sign does not mean you are unlucky though. It means you likely have a strong connection to the other worlds and other realms. Embrace this. You have an affinity for extra-sensoryperception, esp, and walk between this world and the next.
Meaning: Unlucky Days, The Earth God, Specter, the Missing Days (short 5 day month)
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the Wayeb sign are the anomoly in the Mayan astrology signs. The Wayeb span of time is only 5 days out of the year, in contrast to the 20 day span that all of the other Mayan zodiac symbols have. During the Wayeb days, ancient Mayans felt the natural balance was affected. It was a time when other forces came into play, similar to the pagan concept of Samhain when ghosts walk the earth. Being born in this sign does not mean you are unlucky though. It means you likely have a strong connection to the other worlds and other realms. Embrace this. You have an affinity for extra-sensoryperception, esp, and walk between this world and the next.
Pop: July 26th to August 14th
Meaning: Jaguar, Chief, Leader, Soft Earth
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Pop sign are leaders. Both Jaguar and Chief refer to positions of power in ancient Maya. You can bring clear vision and direction to those around you while remaining sensitive to their needs. Your gift is at the forefront guiding others around you. You have an affinity for the earth and doing groundingmeditations will enhance your gifts.
Meaning: Jaguar, Chief, Leader, Soft Earth
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the Pop sign are leaders. Both Jaguar and Chief refer to positions of power in ancient Maya. You can bring clear vision and direction to those around you while remaining sensitive to their needs. Your gift is at the forefront guiding others around you. You have an affinity for the earth and doing groundingmeditations will enhance your gifts.
Wo: August 15th to September 3rd
Meaning: Black Sky, Black Jaguar, Black Storm, Nightime, Frog, Two Soft Earth
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Wo share similarities with those born in Che’n and Sac signs. Similar to Che’n you can gain much wisdom from the hours after dusk and before the first rays of sun. As with the Sac sign, you share the frog animal totem. Through frog you can easily shift from one level of consciousness to the other. You are likely a mystical person who searches for hidden wisdoms and mysteries.
Meaning: Black Sky, Black Jaguar, Black Storm, Nightime, Frog, Two Soft Earth
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Wo share similarities with those born in Che’n and Sac signs. Similar to Che’n you can gain much wisdom from the hours after dusk and before the first rays of sun. As with the Sac sign, you share the frog animal totem. Through frog you can easily shift from one level of consciousness to the other. You are likely a mystical person who searches for hidden wisdoms and mysteries.
Sip: September 4th to September 23rd
Meaning: Red Conjunction, Red Sky, Red Storm, Deer, Stag
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Sip have a strong affinity for the element of fire and air. Your power animal is the deer, more specifically the stag. The deer is a symbol of grace and connection with the forest. The staf is the noble leader of these forest people. Embrace the energies of grace and nobleness in your life. Red is your power color.
Meaning: Red Conjunction, Red Sky, Red Storm, Deer, Stag
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Sip have a strong affinity for the element of fire and air. Your power animal is the deer, more specifically the stag. The deer is a symbol of grace and connection with the forest. The staf is the noble leader of these forest people. Embrace the energies of grace and nobleness in your life. Red is your power color.
Sotz: September 24th to October 13th
Meaning: Bat, Fish, Two Moss, Beginning of Winter
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Sotz have two animal totems the bat and the fish. Interestingly one has the ability to move freely through the air and the other through water. Air and water are your elements. The bat is known for it’s association with the earth mother. It’s natural state is to return to the womb of the earth mother every day for rest. Bats are highly sensitive creatures and your strengths from them are intuition, sensitivity, and the ability to see through illusion. The fish represents thesubconscious and depth. Your fish totem combines with your bat totem to provide you with a deep intuition that is not available to most people.
Meaning: Bat, Fish, Two Moss, Beginning of Winter
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Sotz have two animal totems the bat and the fish. Interestingly one has the ability to move freely through the air and the other through water. Air and water are your elements. The bat is known for it’s association with the earth mother. It’s natural state is to return to the womb of the earth mother every day for rest. Bats are highly sensitive creatures and your strengths from them are intuition, sensitivity, and the ability to see through illusion. The fish represents thesubconscious and depth. Your fish totem combines with your bat totem to provide you with a deep intuition that is not available to most people.
Sec: October 14th to November 2nd
Meanings: Sky and Earth
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Sec are very specifically associated with two elements: earth and sky (wind, air). You most likely have a fascination with the sky and are interested in all things from above. Air is the element of mental energies and earth is the element of practicality. Between these two you have the gift of examining any situation and discovering the most effective solution. This is a great gift and you can assist the world through your grounded perceptions.
Meanings: Sky and Earth
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Sec are very specifically associated with two elements: earth and sky (wind, air). You most likely have a fascination with the sky and are interested in all things from above. Air is the element of mental energies and earth is the element of practicality. Between these two you have the gift of examining any situation and discovering the most effective solution. This is a great gift and you can assist the world through your grounded perceptions.
Xul: November 3rd to November 22nd
Meanings: Dog with suntail, Bird Days, Dog God
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Xul are closely associated with the animal totem dog. The dog was an important animal to the Mayans, who believed that dogs guided people to the next life after they passed from this one. As a result, people born in this sign have the traditional animal totem traits of dog; loyalty, strength, dedication. They also have a strong connection to the next life, and can help those around them release fears of death and passing.
Meanings: Dog with suntail, Bird Days, Dog God
Mayan Zodiac Symbols Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Xul are closely associated with the animal totem dog. The dog was an important animal to the Mayans, who believed that dogs guided people to the next life after they passed from this one. As a result, people born in this sign have the traditional animal totem traits of dog; loyalty, strength, dedication. They also have a strong connection to the next life, and can help those around them release fears of death and passing.
Yaxk’in: November 23rd to December 12th
Meaning: New Sun, Sun God, Red Clouds, Green
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Yaxk’in have a connection with the Mayan Sun God Ah Kin. He provided protection against darkness, drought and disease. Those born in this sign are natural healers. You may find you have an affinity forhealing those around you, whether with soothing words or as a healing practitioner. This sign also has one downfall which is doubt. Ah Kin was known as the bringer of doubt and indecision. Learn to trust in your decisions and the decisions of those around you.
Meaning: New Sun, Sun God, Red Clouds, Green
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Yaxk’in have a connection with the Mayan Sun God Ah Kin. He provided protection against darkness, drought and disease. Those born in this sign are natural healers. You may find you have an affinity forhealing those around you, whether with soothing words or as a healing practitioner. This sign also has one downfall which is doubt. Ah Kin was known as the bringer of doubt and indecision. Learn to trust in your decisions and the decisions of those around you.
Mol: December 13th to January 1st
Meaning: Water, Clouds Gather, Jaguar, Gathering
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Mol are associated with the cardinal element of water. They are said to be able to “make the rains come”. Pay close attention to how weather patterns make you feel, for your power times are associated with water and rainfall. Your animal totem is the Jaguar. The Jaguar was a power animal for the Mayans, and represented the mysteries of the shamans and the strength of leaders. You have an affinity for both these roles and your life can take you on the path of a spiritual leader.
Meaning: Water, Clouds Gather, Jaguar, Gathering
Mayan Astrology Signs Interpretation: Those born in the sign of Mol are associated with the cardinal element of water. They are said to be able to “make the rains come”. Pay close attention to how weather patterns make you feel, for your power times are associated with water and rainfall. Your animal totem is the Jaguar. The Jaguar was a power animal for the Mayans, and represented the mysteries of the shamans and the strength of leaders. You have an affinity for both these roles and your life can take you on the path of a spiritual leader.
FASTING: Rejuvenating the Entire Immune System
Fasting has been done in spiritual and religious practices for millennia across the world by Christians, Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, and more. It is the act of consciously depriving oneself of food and/or drink for 24 hours or more.
Fasting has been used for deep meditation and spiritual healing in the past, but modern science is starting to recognize its potential health benefits.
A new study conducted at the University of Southern California suggests that not only can prolonged fasting help prevent immune system damage, but can produce hematopoietic stem cells which generates blood and cells in the immune system.
Periods of 2-4 days at a time over a 6-month period was found to destroy aged and damaged cells. Interestingly, this principle can theoretically be applied to cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. For those of you who don’t know, chemotherapy kills cancer cells, but it also essentially destroys everything else in your body, including your immune system. And with this new information, fasting could potentially be an effective way to combat the side-effects of chemo.
Corresponding author, Edna M. Jones Professor of Gerontology and the Biological Sciences at the USC Davis School of Gerontology and director of the USC Longevity Institute, Valter Longo expressed his surprise saying, “We could not predict that prolonged fasting would have such a remarkable effect in promoting stem cell-based regeneration of the hematopoietic system.”
“When you starve, the system tries to save energy, and one of the things it can do to save energy is to recycle a lot of the immune cells that are not needed, especially those that may be damaged,” Longo says, “What we started noticing in both our human work and animal work is that the white blood cell count goes down with prolonged fasting. Then when you re-feed, the blood cells come back. So we started thinking, well, where does it come from?”
Many questions surrounding the effect of fasting are still waiting to be answered. Meanwhile, some experts are skeptical of the research.
Dr. Graham Rook, emeritus professor of immunology at University College London. “There is some interesting data here. It sees that fasting reduces the number and size of cells and then re-feeding at 72 hours saw a rebound. That could be potentially useful because that is not such a long time that it would be terribly harmful to someone with cancer. But I think the most sensible way forward would be to synthesize this effect with drugs. I am not sure fasting is the best idea. People are better eating on a regular basis.”
I’m not a doctor, but quite frankly, I’d had to disagree with Dr. Rook here. If the body is designed to naturally do something on its own, in this case regenerate itself through fasting, why in the hell would we waste millions of dollars trying to replicate that effect in a pill and then charge people out their ass just so they can afford it? Let’s see, thousands of dollars in insurance and ingesting synthetic drugs, or spending zero dollars and combating cell degeneration naturally?
Of course, I could be speaking way too soon, as definitive answers are still yet to emerge. Nonetheless, the data looks very promising.
I do love it when ancient knowledge and modern science collide.
**This article was written by Josh Paniagua
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Tuesday, January 13, 2015
It was a slow Tuesday at work. We had been texting each other since we woke up this morning. For me, waking up to a morning text from him is everything. It means I'm on his mind first thing when he wakes. He asked me if I worked today because minus a few workouts he was free and wanted to come see me at my job. Elated, I told him "yes, I'm working now... come see me, ill feed you".
A few hours later as the sun was setting on all the sky rises and condos in the city (we had the most beautiful view of the city) in he walks... so tall, handsome, he just looked like he smelled good, his clothes were always brand new as if he never wore the same pair of socks twice, hair always freshly cut, beard, skin smooth. I was physically in love. I would melt every time I saw him. It was rarity for me to be physically attracted to someone I wasn't so spiritually connected with yet. Maybe it was the lack of sex I was getting, maybe it's because I'm turning 30 and feel as if I'm in my sexual prime, I don't know... but the physicality was real... as real as the love I shared with a man I was spiritually in love with. As I approach the hostess stand I see him being a gentleman, holding the door for A stunning female whom he then puts his hand around her waist and kindly ask the hostess to sit in my section. Sometimes we react to situations the way we believe we should. In all honesty, I was turned on. I'm a masochist, maybe. Either way- they sat. They ate. They drank. They flirted. They laughed. And after getting through an interesting dinner serving "my man" and his date & now apparently or assumingly my date for the evening as well, he said he would be back to get me in an hour and left me a 500 dollar tip.
A few hours later as the sun was setting on all the sky rises and condos in the city (we had the most beautiful view of the city) in he walks... so tall, handsome, he just looked like he smelled good, his clothes were always brand new as if he never wore the same pair of socks twice, hair always freshly cut, beard, skin smooth. I was physically in love. I would melt every time I saw him. It was rarity for me to be physically attracted to someone I wasn't so spiritually connected with yet. Maybe it was the lack of sex I was getting, maybe it's because I'm turning 30 and feel as if I'm in my sexual prime, I don't know... but the physicality was real... as real as the love I shared with a man I was spiritually in love with. As I approach the hostess stand I see him being a gentleman, holding the door for A stunning female whom he then puts his hand around her waist and kindly ask the hostess to sit in my section. Sometimes we react to situations the way we believe we should. In all honesty, I was turned on. I'm a masochist, maybe. Either way- they sat. They ate. They drank. They flirted. They laughed. And after getting through an interesting dinner serving "my man" and his date & now apparently or assumingly my date for the evening as well, he said he would be back to get me in an hour and left me a 500 dollar tip.
Shooting Nude: Pt. 2
Words from (above) photographer to his model girlfriend:
"Some times she's so hard on herself. She tends to criticize the very things that make her beautiful. The things that are are different about her are usually the things she hates but everything I love. It's okay that we don't see eye to eye. I like that we see things totally different. This just means every time she's in front of my camera I get to show her more about herself that she didn't know was there."
Shooting Nude
You want me to do what? Ummm.... I don't know about that....but--- are you sure? I don't know if i'm comfortable with that. Then I probably went on some rant with a laundry list of the physical things that were "wrong" with me or needed tweaking or fixing or "photoshopping". The lights were so bright ... I knew he would see every "flaw". I respected him as a photographer and I wanted to give him shots we were both going to be proud of... and I wasn't confident we would get those shots with me wearing no............ make-up.
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