why do we keep doing this
I didn't even cry
this time
it hurt less
even though you hurt me more
this time
I didn't cry
September 22, 2013 11:12 p.m.
It’s easy. You sell everything you own and buy a ticket. Even if you have no place to go, some words have to sing inside. Suzanne has the magic words; they are going to turn her into a bright flag, they are going to make her measure the length of her arms. The words are: Seville Hotel, New York City. It’s easy. You sell everything you own.
‘Don’t cry over anything that can’t cry over you,’ Suzanne’s mother says.
Suzanne has a garage sale. She makes a big sign: FEEL GRAY, MUST EXIT. She sells everything and only keeps two pairs of pants and two T-shirts that she dyes gray in the bathtub.