Friday, May 28, 2010

My Pot of Gold

"The days you don't plan; always turn out to be the grandest." -Maryam

Random moments, spontaneous decisions, and a little bit of fate equals one wicked Monday. I don't even know where to begin. As you all know I shot the video "Trey's Side of the Bed" back in February. Well last Monday a few of my business connections at Z104 ( A popular radio station in Virginia Beach) presented me with the opportunity to meet the man who inspired it all, who continues to inspire me everyday, Mr. Trey Songz himself. It was such a blessing and such an amazing opportunity for me to even be there. Let me start off by saying that.

So anyway, they seated me near Trey, where he was taking photos with the girls who won passes over the radio. I got to see all the girls and how they interacted with Trey, and how he interacted with them. A line of girls patiently waiting on their autographs, pictures, hugs, and maybe if they were lucky, a kiss on the cheek. There were girls outside the station standing in the pouring rain just to get a glance of Trey through the crack in the window. I was in my own zone, making my own memory. Maybe in an atmosphere above? I mean, here I was, about to introduce myself to Trey, and hand him a copy of a video inspired by work...his passion. So when it was my time to get to chat with Trey I kept it professional, but I mean I batted my eyes a little bit, name dropped a little bit, I had distinguish myself from the others is all. I didn't do to much. I didn't want him to get the impression I wanted him to take me back to his hotel room. After our little chat and photo op (which by the way ,OMG, lighting was horrible for me or maybe I should get out in the sun more. The pic ended adorbable though. In my head I 'm knowing that won't be the last time we meet, we will work together one day; as I see his assistant walk away with the card and a copy of the video, my very rainbow I gave to Trey. My feelings leaving the station were hopeful, happy, excited, and blessed. I'm anxiously crossing my fingers while patiently and humbling waiting, and saying " I hope he watches, I hope it watches!!"

::Shouts to Jamal and Tomika, your awesome. Trey, it was a pleasure.::

By the way... ......almost 50,000 hits on youtube!!!
(Shit, I'm proud!) Keep Dreaming,

Sunday, May 23, 2010

VA to GA

"Maryland is my birthplace, where I was raised...Virginia is home, where I grew up...Georgia is my future, where MD ad VA get to shine."

13 days huh? I'll miss the DMV. Missing my friends and family is a given. They look at me with honesty and truth. I speak, they visualize..... they see what I see. That's priceless. It's been a journey out here in VA. Arrived in 2003, Hampton University, wanting to become a nurse.... because nursing is a guaranteed career and paycheck after college.*sad face* Needless to say you can miss me with all that. 7 years later, Virginia, has done its part in guiding me to my future, and I've enjoyed the ride thus far. But as seasons change, so do you. It's time to move on.

Introducing: The Completed VA Bucket List, lol:

My HBCU Experience. My friends. (Aww, my dear friends I love you so much) A fabulous guy. Mornings at Tommy's restaurant in Hampton. (Where the cool people eat breakfast) Merging with these bastards on 64 & 264, ( does not mean stop) Tanning at Buckroe beach. Thursdays at the pier in Ocean View. Walking in to Jillian's (and sitting at my desk), The office banter!! Cheap Rent (I mean really cheap rent). Being able to drive back home to Maryland (because I don't enjoy flying). Tailgaiting at the Skins game. My photographers and videographers. (Pro bono geniouses, thanks for everything) My favorite makeup artist Nicole, (your coming with me) and the whole MacArthur Nordstrom M.A.C counter,(Muahh!!). Catch 31 on the beach (and walking on the beach after dinner). A few exes I care not to mention,(you know who you are) Breakfast at Charlie's with Nyima,(Norfolk Flow..2 veggie patties and a english muffin, mamosas on the patio) Wa-Wa & 7-11 nights....(they do have wa-wa in ATL right?) Late nights at Bardo on 21st (Ghent)..Lamb Chop Lollipops & lettuce wraps. Glasses of Pinot at Sonoma in Town Center. Thrift store shopping on Little Creek. (favorite past time) Hour long self inflicted traffic jams because residents are scared to drive in tunnels. (:wink:) My apartment'(s) (my little bachelorette pads)..... Long talks at the spot. I Learned. Loved. Grew.

See you soon Atlanta... Stay Classy Virginia...

Keep Dreaming,

Maryam Zee

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Creative Rainbows and the Gold they Lead You to (My first music video)

"I made love to the camera and fell in love behind the scenes" February 9th, 2010

I recently wrote, created, directed, and starred in a music video I dedicated to one of my favorite artist, Trey Songz. I've always had a fascination with film; music videos in particular. So a few months back an idea came to mind that I should just shoot one for the hell of it. I wasn't looking to gain anything from it. I just wantd to do it. Beyonce hasn't been calling me lately to direct any of her work. :) Side note: Her new track...."Why don't you love me" .....oh boy....she killed it in the video. The track was good (written by Solange'), but that video was out of control. Definitely looked like my aesthetic. Link to the Beyonce Video -->>
So anyway I digress. Back to my music video. I shot the video to a track off of Trey Songz latest album "Ready" (5stars) The right song can literally move my soul and evoke a rainbow of emotions for me. Music is powerful, music is inspiring, and music has a huge influence in my life. I'm constantly adopting tracks to add to the soundtrack of my own life. "Yo Side of the Bed" is one of those tracks. Trey's artistry speaks volume to me and his story is a living testament for everything I believe in about dreams and ambition. The gift of being able to express emotion or tell a story through a song is a such an amazing talent to have, it is definitely not a gift God blessed me with. :) I am simply a music lover is all. I hope this project was a first of many for me, I really fell in love with writing treatments, picking wardrobe, acting. It all felt very natural. Through this project and through music and film I have learned all about who I am. I surprised myself with the outcome. But what I think is the most fascinating part of this whole ordeal is, I dare to say, I found my passion??? And the feeling I got inside when working on this project validates that. I mean .... orgasmic. Lately, I've been in constant search of finding a career that, #1 I love, and allows me to be in touch with all my emotions, where I can showcase my creativity, and ties in with my love of music. Well I have found that career. I'm head over heels in love with film, art, and acting. My video started from a dollar a dream, and turned into reality. Although it was a low budget project, you can't put a price on the love, time, and effort that I put into it. And well, discovering my passion, you cant put a price on that at all. Thank you Issa for all your help with the editing.

~ One can enjoy a rainbow without necessarily forgetting the forces that made it ~

**My lil ol' video has recieved over 45,000 views on youtube since I posted it in March and has received great reviews on both youtube and facebook I hope you guys enjoy it. Link to Trey's Side of the Bed -->>

Atlantic Records has since released the Official Trailer to the Official Video for "Yo Side of the Bed" on

Keep Dreaming,

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Chasing Rainbows

"When you reduce life to Black and White, you never see Rainbows"-Anonymous

I'm always chasing rainbows. Whether it be in love, in my career, a random thought, or another newly found passion. I have very high expectations for myself, I want the best. How can I not go after the mere thing I know is waiting for me right around the corner. Success, Health, Wealth... True Happiness. I want it for everyone! Everyone should have it. For free! We all have our own story and our own journey; you should take the time and write what yours is. I've spent a lot of time chasing love rainbows. Somewhere along the way I found me, which, to my surprise, was my pot of gold. Shortly after... I found my passion. My gift. So now I've been chasing career rainbows. I'm ready to leave what I find to be comfortable, to go reach my highest potential. I want to be able to wake up every morning and do what I absolutely love to do; and become wealthy from it. Things I would do for free, anyway. Things I do for free now.

The word "dream" in one I used repeatedly. But in all honestly, a "dream" is merely a goal we put on a pedestal subconciously making it seem harder to obtain or us an excuse to be complacent and content if you never do achieve them. Please, go follow your passion... your "dreams"! A dream is merely an aspiration. A goal is the result or achievement which effort is directed; an aim or an end.  So from now my dreams come down from the pedestal and on the shelf with my goals. Just like the goals I set for hitting my budget at work every period. I know it's a little scary believing in yourself ::wink:: at the risk that you might fail and never reach them. But you must always act in spite of fear. Remember, the joy is in chasing the rainbow, not just chasing the pot of gold. The pot of gold just might be not be what you were expecting. Those are the beautiful days though and they remind you why you keep chasing those rainbows after every rain storm. They lead you to some amazing things, people, and places.

I'm on my way... with a Dollar and Dream in my Louie Bag, and a heartful of ambition. Watch out World! New Girl in Town ---> Atlanta November 2010

By the way dreaming is free; reaching them might cost a little something. But I'm positive about my ROI. -Maryam

Keep Dreaming,
