"The days you don't plan; always turn out to be the grandest." -Maryam
Random moments, spontaneous decisions, and a little bit of fate equals one wicked Monday. I don't even know where to begin. As you all know I shot the video "Trey's Side of the Bed" back in February. Well last Monday a few of my business connections at Z104 ( A popular radio station in Virginia Beach) presented me with the opportunity to meet the man who inspired it all, who continues to inspire me everyday, Mr. Trey Songz himself. It was such a blessing and such an amazing opportunity for me to even be there. Let me start off by saying that.
So anyway, they seated me near Trey, where he was taking photos with the girls who won passes over the radio. I got to see all the girls and how they interacted with Trey, and how he interacted with them. A line of girls patiently waiting on their autographs, pictures, hugs, and maybe if they were lucky, a kiss on the cheek. There were girls outside the station standing in the pouring rain just to get a glance of Trey through the crack in the window. I was in my own zone, making my own memory. Maybe in an atmosphere above? I mean, here I was, about to introduce myself to Trey, and hand him a copy of a video inspired by work...his passion. So when it was my time to get to chat with Trey I kept it professional, but I mean I batted my eyes a little bit, name dropped a little bit, I had distinguish myself from the others is all. I didn't do to much. I didn't want him to get the impression I wanted him to take me back to his hotel room. After our little chat and photo op (which by the way ,OMG, lighting was horrible for me or maybe I should get out in the sun more. The pic ended adorbable though. In my head I 'm knowing that won't be the last time we meet, we will work together one day; as I see his assistant walk away with the card and a copy of the video, my very rainbow I gave to Trey. My feelings leaving the station were hopeful, happy, excited, and blessed. I'm anxiously crossing my fingers while patiently and humbling waiting, and saying " I hope he watches, I hope it watches!!"
::Shouts to Jamal and Tomika, your awesome. Trey, it was a pleasure.::
By the way...

(Shit, I'm proud!) Keep Dreaming,