I'm always chasing rainbows. Whether it be in love, in my career, a random thought, or another newly found passion. I have very high expectations for myself, I want the best. How can I not go after the mere thing I know is waiting for me right around the corner. Success, Health, Wealth... True Happiness. I want it for everyone! Everyone should have it. For free! We all have our own story and our own journey; you should take the time and write what yours is. I've spent a lot of time chasing love rainbows. Somewhere along the way I found me, which, to my surprise, was my pot of gold. Shortly after... I found my passion. My gift. So now I've been chasing career rainbows. I'm ready to leave what I find to be comfortable, to go reach my highest potential. I want to be able to wake up every morning and do what I absolutely love to do; and become wealthy from it. Things I would do for free, anyway. Things I do for free now.
The word "dream" in one I used repeatedly. But in all honestly, a "dream" is merely a goal we put on a pedestal subconciously making it seem harder to obtain or unreachable...gives us an excuse to be complacent and content if you never do achieve them. Please, go follow your passion... your "dreams"! A dream is merely an aspiration. A goal is the result or achievement which effort is directed; an aim or an end. So from now my dreams come down from the pedestal and on the shelf with my goals. Just like the goals I set for hitting my budget at work every period. I know it's a little scary believing in yourself ::wink:: at the risk that you might fail and never reach them. But you must always act in spite of fear. Remember, the joy is in chasing the rainbow, not just chasing the pot of gold. The pot of gold just might be not be what you were expecting. Those are the beautiful days though and they remind you why you keep chasing those rainbows after every rain storm. They lead you to some amazing things, people, and places.
I'm on my way... with a Dollar and Dream in my Louie Bag, and a heartful of ambition. Watch out World! New Girl in Town ---> Atlanta November 2010
By the way dreaming is free; reaching them might cost a little something. But I'm positive about my ROI. -Maryam
Keep Dreaming,
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