Sunday, December 26, 2010

"A Silly White Chistmas" Written on 12-25-10 (The Archives never published)

She hops up frantically out of her sleep. The clock reads 7:37 a.m. "I didn't just hear the doorbell ring, did I?" she thought. As she quickly runs down the flight of stairs the only thing that crosses her mind is that its him on the other side of that door and she was happy. There is no peephole so she takes a quick peep out the window. "Don't see his car." Wishfully, she opens the door anyway. A cold bitter breeze greets her warm smile as it blows through the door... only to tease the cold bitter feeling in her heart as no one stands there "I'm so silly" she thought. She takes another 10 seconds and stares at the picture perfect scenery that stares back at her. "We had a white Christmas" She closes the door. She makes her way back up the stairs not as quickly as she made it down them. She sits back down on the bed. A bit sad, a bit embarrassed. Hollow, like October.... cont-