Tuesday, October 23, 2012

I was here ...

"I Was Here"
Written by: Diane Warren
Performed by: Beyonce Knowles

I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time
Know there was something that, meant something that I left behind
When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets
Leave something to remember, so they won't forget

I was here
I lived, I loved
I was here
I did, I've done everything that I wanted
And it was more than I thought it would be
I will leave my mark so everyone will know
I was here

An adaptation "FootPrints" by M. Alexandria Zee

On the road to healthier skin.

"Your skin tells your life story"


-All the beauty products in the world  cannot make your skin glow if you are: Stressed, eating junk food, sleep-deprived and sedentary. First of all. 

-Second of all,  hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! Your body craves water, which removes toxins, hydrates your cells and gets rid of impurities.

-Third of all, start within ! Eat a variety of fruits and vegetables. Salmon and foods rich in omega 3’s make a positive impact. When it concerns your skin, you are what you eat. Note: Sugar is inflammatory.

-Keep your skin clean and moisturize dry skin; dermatologists recommend moisturizing dry skin twice a day and overnight.

- Green tea is anti-inflammatory and in the lab has been shown to heal skin.

-Exercise to shed stress hormones and improve circulation.

-Get your beauty sleep; skin regenerates and hormones balance.

- Make sure you're washing your pillowcase often, so you're not putting your face in the same oils every night.

-Aim for good health. When you are healthy, you look more youthful and act that way. Illness weighs you down and saps your energy.


-Don’t force your beauty. Enhance it. Avoid harsh chemicals and treatments. Avoid drastic changes and a lot of makeup. Simplify with a more natural approach. Express who you are — not some artificial ideal. Don’t mask the real you. Living the truth of who you are is gorgeous!

-Find a facial cleanser that matches your skin type. 

-Exfoliate. Your face doesn't need anything harsh or to be exfoliated too often -- it just strips the skin of moisture and will leave you red and flaky.

**"Before you reach for the bounty of cleansers, moisturizers, and toners in your bathroom, add the following seven foods to your diet to clear the way for a beautiful complexion." - Sue Moores, RD, spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association. According to Moores, glowing skin starts at the supermarket.


A Girl - Poem by Ezra Pound

A Girl by Ezra Pound

The tree has entered my hands,
The sap has ascended my arms,
The tree has grown in my breast-
The branches grow out of me, like arms.

Tree you are,
Moss you are,
You are violets with wind above them.
A child - so high - you are,
And all this is folly to the world.

The Road Not Taken -Robert Frost

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I-
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

The Hermetic Teachings

"Conciousness never goes backward... it always goes forward!" - @rawfoodbliss


There are seven Universal Laws or Principles by which everything in the Universe is governed. The Universe exists in perfect harmony by virtue of these Laws.  Once you understand, apply and align yourself with these Universal Laws, you will experience transformation in every area of your life beyond that which you have ever dared to imagine. - mind-your-reality.com 

1. The Principle of SPIRIT ( MIND)

Everything is Spiritual. The Source of LIFE is CREATIVE SPIRIT, without bounds and limitations. The Universe is mental. Spirit / Mind stands above matter - rules matter.
The Consciousness determines the BEING. Thoughts are creative and changing powers; they are the means of CREATION. The IMAGINATION creates in Visualization. The intensity of the inner wishing and longing is an important factor of CREATION. And just like HIS WORD, MAN's WORD creates, too - as the action of his mind. So every MAN is able to leave his state of ignorance and consciously enter the STATE OF KNOWLEDGE OF LIFE at any time, thus accepting the Heritage of MAN's PERFECTION and of CREATION. He thus changes his world and creates it new.
Be aware of your thoughts - they can create and destroy! Be conscious of your responsibility! Which thoughts and words come from you? What do you CREATE with them? Are they worlds of LOVE - creatures of LOVE? 

2. The Principle of Cause and Effect = KARMA

Each cause has an effect - each effect has its cause. Each action has a certain energy which requires that the like energy returns to its source, to its creator. 
The effect equals the cause in quality and quantity. 'Equal creates equal'. Action = Reaction.
The cause can be on many different planes. Everything happens in accordance to the LAW. Each MAN is CREATOR, carrier and surmounter of his fate.
Every thought, every feeling, every action is a cause which has an effect. So there is no blame, no guilt or fault, no sin, no 'chance' and no luck - only cause and effect. Between the cause and its effect many centuries and incarnations could extend - as TIME does not exist.
"Luck" and "chance" are expressions of a LAW not yet acknowledged.
Why do you have certain traits? Where do your patterns of behaviour derive from? Be aware of the effect of all your thoughts, feelings and actions! Let go of hatred, aggressiveness and fear and open yourself to Unconditional TRUST and LOVE. You alone are responsible for yourself!

3. The Principle of Correspondence or Analogy

As above - so below, as below - so above. As within - so without, as without - so within. As in great - so in small, as in small, so in great. 
For everthing there is in this world, there exists an analogy on every plane of BEING.
So you can realize the great in the small, and the smallest in the greatest. The way you are yourself determines the way you experience the ouside world. Vice versa, the outside world is your mirror. When Du change, everything around you will change. 

4. The Principle of Resonance or Attraction

Like attracts like and will be enforced by like. Unlike repels each other.
Your personal behaviour determines your personal conditions and the total conditions of your life.
Negativity attracts more negativity, darkness attracts more darkness, aggression attracts aggression, hate attracts hate, sorrow attracts sorrow, addiction attracts addiction, so if you do not stop, reconsider and reverse your path, your negativity will increase, leading into a downward spiral that - at a certain point - cannot be stopped and leads into depression, desperation, desaster and death.

5. The Principle of Harmony and  Balance

Harmony is the flow of life. Everything strives for harmony, for balance. The stronger determines the weaker and makes it equal to itself.
Life is harmonious togetherness, the GIVING and TAKING of elements and powers being active in CREATION. By grasping and holding on we create a blockage which in turn is leading to sickness and death as a result of ERROR: LIFE supports only what furthers LIFE, and anything causing a blockage weakens and must go, because it is a hindrance to LIFE itself. LIFE is mutual balance or compensation, eternal movement. Different effects are finding to a balance, so that as soon as possible harmony is restored. Life is continuous GIVING and TAKING. The universe lives by dynamic balance in EASINESS, HARMONY and LOVE. GIVING and TAKING are different aspects of the Cosmic Energy Stream.
While giving freely what we are seeking, we are letting PLENTY into our lives. While giving HARMONY, PEACE and LOVE, we are creating HARMONY, PEACE and LOVE, opening us for LUCK, SUCCESS and PLENTY.  
We will get as much from the PLENTY of LIFE, as we are able to open ourselves to it. To open yourself, you should let go of all your conscious and unconscious thoughts of need and limitations within yourself and dare the NEW, THE UNBOUNDED. He who does not live PLENTY, will not find it.
Open yourself to the PLENTY. Do not enrichen yourself at the cost of others. You have to pay everything you get (unless it is GIVEN to you). GIVE in order to RECEIVE!
Above this LAW - above EACH LAW - is the GRACE of GOD!

6. The Principle of Rhythm or Vibration

Everything flows in and flows out again. Everything has its tides. Everything rises and falls. Everything is vibration.  
Nothing is static - everything is moving. The even movement of the pendulum is evident in everything. The swing of the pendulum to the one side equals the swing of the pendulum to the other side. Rhythm equalizes.
Overcome rigidity and live flexibility. Whatever is rigid must break apart.

7. The Principle of Polarity and Sexuality

Everything has a pair of poles. Everything has a pair of contrasting aspects. Like and unlike are the same. 
Contrasts are the same by their nature. GOD'S TRUTH IS ONE.
Only in the low-vibrating worlds, like in the 3. dimension, the aspects have different signs marking them as "contrasts", and thus have different vibrational frequencies. The human brain is three-dimensionally oriented; for that reason the ONE-NESS or SAME-NESS appears PARADOX to the polaric mind. But each PARADOXON should be brought together - in the middle - , only this way we can approach TRUTH. Or else our truths are only half truths. We cannot understand TRUTH - only grasp it with the HEART!
In the 3rd dimension we should learn to recognize the ONE-NESS OF ALL - by LEARNING UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LIVING this LOVE = THAT is our GOAL IN LIVE-on-Earth! When we are living in UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, we are living in NON-POLARITY. 

Do not judge or evaluate others. Do not raise yourself above others. Accept the other opinion. Everyone is right. Everything is justified. Everything is well.

Sexuality is in everything. Both sexual aspects is ONENESS at the same time.
Sexuality manifests itself in everything. Everything has male and female elements. Everything is male and female in ONE. Sexuality strives for ONE-NESS. But actually sexuality IS ONE-NESS or UNITY, as you can see with TAO. The NON-POLARIC UNITY consists of the male and the female aspect. you also cannot divide SEA and WAVES - both is ONE - and ONE is not without the other. 
You yourself are male and female at the same time. Live your male and your female aspect equally. Be balanced - be in your middle - BE ONE.

Saturday, October 20, 2012



Your Invited ...








Zen Moments.


Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Final Core Number ... The Heart's Desire. (Numerology, cont-)

Your Heart's Desire number
"What are the reasons behind your actions? What do you really want in life and love? This is where your Heart's Desire comes in to play, and it signifies the reasons behind the choices you make in all aspects of your life, from your career to your relationships -- the burning fire within.
Your Heart's Desire number comes from just the vowels in your name -- those soft sounds shed light on the inner workings of your more subconscious desires." -numerology.com

My heart's desire number: 3
You love a good time. You are generally happy, friendly, and outgoing. You have a gift for gab. You are very witty, creative, and playful. You inspire and entertain people. You are considered by many a great companion. Many outstanding comedians have this Heart's Desire. You have a good mental and emotional balance and there is little that gets you down. You have a gift for self expression and are drawn to the verbal arts - writing, acting, singing, and poetry. You may have a great talent in one of these areas. If your creativity is blocked or suppressed, you tend to daydream and fantasize. Your imagination needs a constructive outlet; otherwise, it may run away with you.

At the same time, you may have great difficulty expressing your deeper feelings and important personal thoughts. You prefer to stay on the surface, entertaining people with your wit. If you fail to deal honestly with your inner nature, you may succumb to compulsive talking. Such behavior may be merely a way of siphoning off emotional energy that is building beneath your surface. Your deeply felt emotional life cannot be avoided or suppressed. But you possess the talent to channel these feelings into highly creative and artistic form. Art and self-expression are your outlets.

You need discipline to make full use of your abilities. Too often, you may scatter your energies in many directions, beginning projects that are never finished and never really succeeding in anything. You success depends on your ability to commit to your work and to see it through to completion. You have so much creativity and inspiring upward energy that you are in desperate need of an anchor. Hard work and discipline serve this purpose and bring out the best in you. Because you are gifted with such a sparkling personality, you are tempted to stay on the surface and play with life. You are confident and love the attention others give you, but these characteristics can lead to vanity and self-absorption.

You have the potential to live a very full and successful life thanks to your talent for artistic self expression. The key to your success is a balance between the creative forces and self-disclose.

Calculate your heart's desire number at http://www.decoz.com/Do_reading_numerology-02_HeartDes.htm

My Personality ... (Numerology, Cont-)

"Your Personality number
Your Personality number is the first impression people get of you. It represents the parts of yourself that you are most ready and willing to reveal, and helps you determine just how much you reveal, and to whom. This number acts as a buffer, screening out some people and situations you don't want to deal with while welcoming the things in life that relate to your inner nature.
Your Personality number is derived from only the consonants in your name." -numerology.com

My Personality Number: 5
You are a stimulating person. You brighten social gatherings with your fresh and original ideas. Your conversation tends to be sprinkled with novelty and wit. You have a quick tongue and charisma. You are probably an excellent salesman. There is a lot of nervous energy within you looking for an outlet. You love your freedom and you see this life as an ongoing adventure. You are upbeat and optimistic. This is infectious for those you meet. As a result, you inspire others. You have a strong and attractive body, with good muscle tone. Your movements are supple, graceful, and athletic.

Your bane is that you love to indulge your senses with food and drink and can easily gain weight. You have an appetite for anything that stimulates the senses - sex, food, alcohol, and drugs. Discipline is a necessity for you. The negative side of a 5 Personality Number can give rise to an addictive personality. You like to dress fashionably and can get away with more colorful clothes. However, you should be aware of the value of quality and the power of modesty.

You are a little irresponsible and quick in satisfying your sensual urges. You are attractive and that, coupled with your innate ability to promote yourself, makes it easy for you to satisfy your desire for new and exciting relationships. You have a kind of swashbuckling personality. People see you as the adventurer that you are. They expect the unexpected from you, and when they don't you often surprise them.

You have a quick and eclectic mind. You attract information from all directions, but you can be a bit superficial, skimming over the surface of a wide diversity of subjects. This may cause you to be a bit of a dilettante. You can get away with it much of the time, but for your own success and happiness, you should try to ground knowledge and deepen your understanding. Your versatility and adaptability make you capable of getting the most out of virtually every opportunity in life. You decide quickly on a course of action and your timing is usually good. You radiate with the potential for success, which attracts others who can further you along your path.

Maryam-Zahra Amira Ali (Numerology, Cont-)

"While your Life Path number plots your life's lessons and how you handle them, your Expression number is all about your natural strengths and weaknesses given to you at your time of birth. Often referred to as the Destiny number, as it aims for your goal in life, this number is the foundation on which your Life Path can flourish.
Your Expression number is based off of the numbers that correspond to the letters in your full name, and it reveals the talents and abilities instilled in you at birth." -numerology.com

My Expression Number: 7
You are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for the answers to life's hidden questions. You have a strong interest in exploring scientific matters, philosophy, and even mysticism. You possess clarity and persistence in your search for truth. You can be a great researcher, educator, and philosopher.

You are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth. You must learn to discriminate between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for this task. Your fine mind offers you insight into the veiled mysteries of life. You also possess a considerable amount of perspective. Somewhere inside you, you are aware of a peaceful place that you call upon during difficult times. You need time to be by yourself. Too much social interaction causes you stress. You need your privacy and a place that can be shut off from the hustle and bustle of life. You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and are secretive. Unless your 7 expression is balanced by extravert characteristics (usually revealed by the numbers 1, 3, 5, and 8), your introversion may pull you deeply within yourself, even cutting you off from others.

You have a strong dislike of the superficial and mundane. You are often surprised by the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of whom do not take the search for knowledge as seriously as you do. This can cause you to be critical of others, and even cynical about life in general. The more cut off from others you become, the more hidden are your motives. Once you develop understanding of people and life, your advice and counsel will be sought by those around you who need your wisdom. You love to specialize your knowledge and develop great depth within your field. You are a perfectionist. You should complete your studies early in life and not be driven too hard by a desire to be successful. Let things come at there own pace, be open to opportunity, but remember your rewards, satisfaction, and contentment come from a higher source.

Sevens can be distant and aloof. When dominated by their darker characteristics, they can be unfaithful, dishonest, and cruel. Contemplation, meditation, and the softer, finer vibrations of life can restore your sense of harmony and keep you on the path to peace and balance. You have a logical mind. Your analytical skills cause you to approach a problem in a detached, surgical kind of way. Researchers, analysts, investigators, inventors, technicians, scholars, lawyers, bankers, watchmakers, priests, philosophers, theologians, and administrators in some scientific or technical field are among the vocations 7s are drawn to.

Calculate your expression number at http://www.decoz.com/Do_reading_numerology-02.htm

Upon Further Curiousity.... (Numerology cont-)

"In the science of Numerology, all numbers are significant, and your personal Numerology chart is full of them! Still, there are four numbers within Numerology that especially make up the Numerology of you, having a deep impact on who you are today -- these are the Core numbers of Numerology, including your Life Path number, Expression number, Heart's Desire number and your Birth Day number." -numerology.com

(Your Life Path number is based off of the numbers in your full birth date. It encaptures your entire being and will never change, and for those reasons, it's very special.)

My life path number: 20 (2+0=2)
The Life Path 2 suggests that you entered this plane with a spiritual quality in your makeup allowing you to be one of the peacemakers in society. Your strengths come from an ability to listen and absorb. You are a fixer, a mediator, and a very diplomatic type of person using persuasive skills rather than forcefulness to make your way in the world. When you embrace and exhibit the strenghth of your spiritual side, you are intuitive, avant-garde, idealistic, and visionary. These extremes make you interesting with much to offer society. You have the potential to be a deep-thinker, and no doubt interested in understanding many of life's mysteries and more intriguing facets.

If you are living with the positive attributes of the number 2 Life Path, you are apt to have the most delicate ability to be balanced and fair.  You are the master of compromise and of maintaining harmony in your environment. As the ultimate team member, you never demand praise or recognition.

In many ways, you are a creature of habit and routine, and you like your path and pattern well worn and familiar. Your ability to analyze and render accurate judgments is a wonderful natural trait you bring to the business world. You strive for complete accuracy and even perfection in your work. Perhaps you are not a leader, but you are a visionary and a very talented idea person.

On the negative side of the 2, nervous energy is a trait often observed in the 2. Because of this, you may be seen as an extremist who is sometimes the zealot in expressing likes and dislikes. Nervous tension can bring the normally easygoing 2 into a state of emotional outrage, which to those around you, may seem so out of character. Indeed, the 2 can sometimes become oversensitive. In some instances, the strength of the 2 can also become its weakness. You may find it hard to decide what to do at times. Twos often struggle against indecisiveness. Making decisions and getting your life in gear, so to speak, may be a challenge. There is a tendency for the many 2s to harbor feelings of uneasiness, and dissatisfaction with accomplishments and personal progress in life. The biggest obstacle and difficulty you may face is that of passivity and a state of apathy and lethargy. The negative 2 can be very pessimistic. When this sets in to any degree, you are able to accomplishes very little. If living on the negative side of the 2, you may lack common sense, and you are quite often unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality.

Even the more positive individuals with the 2 Life Path will prefer a more amiable and less competitive environment, often shunning the business world. You can best serve society in endeavors utilizing your skills of counseling and guidance. Much of your idealism is people oriented and quite humanitarian in nature. You expect a great deal of yourself.

Visit www.numerology.com to calculate your life path number.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The 16th (according to numerology) ...

"Your Birth Day number is just that -- the day on which you were born -- and it reveals a certain talent that will eventually find its place on your Life Path.
While it's the most insignificant of the core numbers, the Birth Day number puts a timestamp on the person you are today according to one single aspect that will ultimately impact your life in a big way. Just as you were destined to be born on this specific day, you have been given a certain special gift as a result." numerology.com

Numerology defined.
The western form of Numerology, the Pythagorian system, is among the most enduring and popular of all self-help methods ever created. The Chinese, Japanese, Greek, Hebrews, Egyptians, Phoenicians, early Christians, Mayans and Incas all employed number systems to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and the universe.

Pythagorian Numerology was organized by Greek philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who combined the mathematical disciplines of the Arabic, Druid, Phoenician, Egyptian and Essene sciences. Since then, it has continued to evolve. It formed the spiritual basis for many secret societies, such as the Rosicrusians, Masons, Anthroposophists and others.

* Excerpted from www.numerology.com

Out of curiousity (at first) I calculated one of my "core" numbers (my birthday number) and well .... it was right on the money.

My birth day number: 16
My Strengths:
Your over-powering orientation is toward the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. You are driven to understand the unseen world. On some level, you feel like a foreigner on planet Earth. Your realm is the world of spirit. Your challenge is to find a way to ground that desire and understanding in practical terms so that it can be effectively shared with others.

You have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. You also have the capacity for excellent concentration. You must use that mind to your greatest advantage. Investigate the subjects you love and gain the depth of knowledge in these fields. Specialize. Become an expert in a given area. This will give you a means of earning a living and personal power to share your wisdom.

You have excellent intuition and may even possess psychic ability. Trust your intuition and use it as a guide in life. But at all times, be practical in your application of your insights. Find concrete means of expressing yourself. Pick a field that suits you -- science, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, teaching, for example -- and deepen yourself in its understanding. But beware of becoming overly dogmatic and shutting off from the truths of others.

Your challenges
The great pitfall you face is the choice of becoming aloof, mental and critical. This will result in alienation and even bitterness. You can also easily lift off the ground, becoming impractical and dreamy. If you indulge too much in flights of fancy, you may drift from reality and give up the possibility of earning an adequate living. You prefer to work alone, rather than in a group. You can easily lose interest in your projects, however, and must work hard to finish what you start. You have to have faith and let opportunities come your way -- you may miss out if you reach and seek.

You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily, nor do you communicate them well. The realm of the heart troubles you for its shifting, nebulous qualities. You must work hard to understand this area of life. You like to spend time alone to contemplate and meditate, but have to be careful not to withdraw too much. Long-term relationships are not easily established nor maintained.

Check out what your birthday number says about you .... http://www.numerology.com/about-numerology/birth-day-number

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Little did she know ...

It's scary opening a business ... or putting yourself...your work ... your passion ... out there for the world to judge.

The what if's:
What if I fail?
What if nothing sells?
What if they don't like it?
What if...
What if...
What if...

But WHAT I have is amazing friends.

I just wanted to take 5 minutes out to thank one of my best friends Tiannah Bruce and my boyfriend Randy Bundy for being such amazing supporters. Tiannah you have no idea the positive reinforcement and joy I felt in my heart when I received your order confirmation. You were MY VERY FIRST client/customer and I will never forget what it felt like getting that email. You made me proud of me. You made me a boss. A business owner. Proud. Simply... for saying I wanted to do something .... and getting out there and doing it. I toast to that success today. I love you both. Thank You.
