Saturday, May 30, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy New Moon

The new moon is the birthing cycle of the moon's various phases. Are you ready to attract your heartfelt longings by doing a moon ritual focused on manifestation? The new moon phase is an optimal time for planning and seeding your intentions. Seedlings need a period of gestation before they break through the soil and reach for the sunlight. This is also true for our cultivating our ideas and clearing the way for our visions to surface in reality.

Isaac Newton established the laws of gravity, which proves the tides are affected by the gravitational pull of the moon. The pull of the moon is stronger than the sun because, even though the sun is larger, the moon is closer to the earth. The strongest effect is felt when the moon and sun pull from the opposite sides of the earth, at the full moon phase, although it also creates high tides when they are on the same side (at the new moon) as well.

A New Moon marks the beginning of a new cycle, a fresh start in it’s cycle of waxing and waning. During this time the Moon is empty and receptive and full of potential. This is an optimum time to plant seeds of intentions for what you wish to manifest in your life.
Most of us, live our lives so disconnected from the Earth, and devoid of any kind of ritual that creates the space for us to connect. So the New Moon provides us with an opportunity to take the time to create SACRED SPACE for ourselves. It’s essential.
Happy New Moon !!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

How to Be Open to Serendipity by Alka Dhillon

Think about all of the projects or things you have achieved that you consider successful. Did you follow a pre-determined roadmap to get there? Probably not. Most of the time it is the path that hasn’t even shown itself that is the best one for us to take.
Many of us have taken the unconventional path that revealed itself to us, and that is what made all the difference. However, this path is usually not the one that appears with a bright flashing light above it that says, “The road to success — enter here.” This path is one that if you had really tried to plan things out, you probably would not have chosen.
This is where Serendipity usually comes in and shows her face. If you are open to and cognizant of serendipity, you can let in unlimited possibilities. Serendipity is something that is not so easily defined. According to Wikipedia it is defined by “a fortuitous happenstance” or a “pleasant surprise.” I feel it goes to levels that are much deeper and unchartered than this. This definition implies that there is no rhyme or reason for it, that it is random, and it is positive.
But I think serendipity has a major component to it that is not found in any common definition — Energy. The energy associated with serendipity is one that comes from within and is not external.
It comes from within because all serendipitous events only happen after we have opened our minds to the possibility that things can be done another way and that perhaps the way that we had thought initially or even what we thought about the entire subject, may not be the right way.
If we do not open our minds to those possibilities, serendipity can never occur.
Excerpted from The OM Factor: A Woman's Spiritual Guide To Leadership by Alka Dhillon, SelectBooks. Copyright © 2015 by Alka Dhillon

7 Habits of Highly Spiritual People by Vishnu Subramaniam

You're highly productive, goal-oriented and efficient at life ... but are you achieving your life's dreams at the expense of your spiritual growth? You may think that spiritual growth is for people who have too much time on their hands — not for busy people climbing the professional ladder. But the problem with this thinking is that when you reach all of your goals you might find that they don't resonate with your spirit. And while you can suppress your spiritual self for some time, you can't do so for a lifetime. At some point, your life will yearn for more meaning. Connecting to your spiritual center is where your true power and purpose lie. If you're living a soul-centered life, you're living from a place of purpose and wisdom. You'll notice that what you seek and desire begin to manifest more quickly.

So in the spirit of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, here are seven habits of highly spiritual people to help you live a more awakened and conscious life with purpose:
1. Accept and surrender. "Acceptance means, for now, this is what this situation, this moment, requires me to do, and so I do it willingly." -Eckhart Tolle
Not every life situation can be changed, turned around or fixed. There will be moments in your life when you will have to step back and stay out of the way. Learning to accept change and uncertainty will help you live a more balanced and peaceful life. Knowing that you can't change some things and that you don't have control over everything, allows you to be grateful for what is in front of you now. When the path is unclear or uncertain, let go instead of clinging more. Surrender and have faith that the universe will guide the way.
2. Begin with the soul in mind.
How often do you make time for the soul? Maybe this notion has never even crossed your mind.Food, work, exercise and obligations may fill your everyday life, but what are you doing for your soul today? Set aside some time for soul-reflection and awareness. Pursue practices that help you get still, and begin to see your spirit at work.Walk, pray, sing and silence your mind. Reflect upon art, observe your breath … listen to this source of all-knowing wisdom in your life.
Align your work and your life to your highest source of knowledge. Follow dreams and desires that align with your spirit. If you are unsure what your spirit's intentions are, slow down and listen more deeply. Elevate the importance of soul-wisdom in your life and create time for it.
3. Put spiritual things first.
As you go about the world from your spiritual center, learn where low vibrations and negative intentions are coming from. Cut out anything in your life that is not spiritually sound and centered on your truth. Let go of the excesses in your life — including frivolous purchases — that don't serve your spirit.
Sit with and release the emotions stifling your spirit. Let go of work that diminishes your light and walk away from a career that crushes your soul. Feed your appetite with food that nourishes you.
4. Know that we are all one.
When you believe you are one with everyone, you will more easily let go of judgment, gossip and unhealthy comparisons. Allow your soul to expand from within, to touch everyone around you. From your most sacred space or most intimate silence, spread the inner love of your soul to everyone you know. Share the light of your "soul-candle." Set the intention to forgive those who have harmed you because they are one with you. Try to find a place of gratitude for those who get on your nerves, who have hurt you in the past, or who have helped you grow as a person. Shine the light of gratitude on the people who test you because they are your greatest spiritual teachers.
Bow in gratitude to those who have broken your heart and crushed your spirit — they have helped you crack open your heart so that you can awaken your spirit.
5. Seek to free yourself of ego and attachment.
Observe yourself and seek more awareness of ego in your life. See the ego when it tries to grab power, feel superior or push others down. Be observant of it when it is selfish, angry, spoiled or unreasonable. Feel the pangs of the ego when circumstances or people offend or irritate it.
See how attached you are to your current circumstances, the people in your life and your material possessions. Can you walk away from it all today and still be content? Practice the art of letting go every day in your life. Let go of thoughts, feelings and emotions that you want to cling to.
6. Synchronize with the universe.
Allow the universe to work for you and in your favor. Seek places and experiences that produce higher vibrations in your life. Cultivate good feelings and ride the wave of those feelings daily. Seek experiences (yoga, massage, sleep, slowly sipped tea) that make you feel good and cultivate more abundance in your life.
Give what you can of yourself, share freely, and extend compassion to everyone around you. Allow all your actions and movements to align with the universal source and watch miracles unfold in your life.
7. Sharpen your being.
Allow spirit to lead the way in all areas of your life. Become the best version of yourself spiritually and let that translate itself into your career, relationships, life and personality. Don't let the current reality and limitations stop you from living your best life. Let your spirit break through limiting visions, stuck circumstances and disempowering beliefs, to help you live the life of your dreams.
Make your spiritual habits central in your life and your life will never be the same. Live from a place of spirit; if you do, abundance, peace and fulfillment will naturally flow in.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

                       My Queen 

"If you have been fortunate to meet a person who is a walking field of presence, you no doubt experienced wanting to just be with them and bathe in their energy field. Surely this is what it must have been like to be around Jesus, the Buddha, Gandhi—indeed, all true spiritual masters. Their presence ignites and meets with the presence within us. This tells us we too can become beacons of presence in the world—and, in fact, are called to be so.