Tuesday, October 16, 2012

My Personality ... (Numerology, Cont-)

"Your Personality number
Your Personality number is the first impression people get of you. It represents the parts of yourself that you are most ready and willing to reveal, and helps you determine just how much you reveal, and to whom. This number acts as a buffer, screening out some people and situations you don't want to deal with while welcoming the things in life that relate to your inner nature.
Your Personality number is derived from only the consonants in your name." -numerology.com

My Personality Number: 5
You are a stimulating person. You brighten social gatherings with your fresh and original ideas. Your conversation tends to be sprinkled with novelty and wit. You have a quick tongue and charisma. You are probably an excellent salesman. There is a lot of nervous energy within you looking for an outlet. You love your freedom and you see this life as an ongoing adventure. You are upbeat and optimistic. This is infectious for those you meet. As a result, you inspire others. You have a strong and attractive body, with good muscle tone. Your movements are supple, graceful, and athletic.

Your bane is that you love to indulge your senses with food and drink and can easily gain weight. You have an appetite for anything that stimulates the senses - sex, food, alcohol, and drugs. Discipline is a necessity for you. The negative side of a 5 Personality Number can give rise to an addictive personality. You like to dress fashionably and can get away with more colorful clothes. However, you should be aware of the value of quality and the power of modesty.

You are a little irresponsible and quick in satisfying your sensual urges. You are attractive and that, coupled with your innate ability to promote yourself, makes it easy for you to satisfy your desire for new and exciting relationships. You have a kind of swashbuckling personality. People see you as the adventurer that you are. They expect the unexpected from you, and when they don't you often surprise them.

You have a quick and eclectic mind. You attract information from all directions, but you can be a bit superficial, skimming over the surface of a wide diversity of subjects. This may cause you to be a bit of a dilettante. You can get away with it much of the time, but for your own success and happiness, you should try to ground knowledge and deepen your understanding. Your versatility and adaptability make you capable of getting the most out of virtually every opportunity in life. You decide quickly on a course of action and your timing is usually good. You radiate with the potential for success, which attracts others who can further you along your path.

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